
Friday, September 2, 2011

Why I Hate Rick Perry

The Governor of Texas / GOP Candidate for President has received nearly $100,000 in campaign contributions from private prison interests.  He then waged a campaign to privatize the healthcare of his state's prisons.  Thankfully, his plan was thwarted in the legislature by Jerry Madden, who never saw evidence that privatizing healthcare would lead to any cost-savings.


  1. Thanks for starting this blog. More people need to know about how evil cca is.

  2. Thanks for reading! It's not just CCA - The GEO Group, MTC, LCS, Serco, Sodexho Marriott, Aramark, and a host of private medical care providers like Correctional Medical Services and Prison Health Services all reap tremendous profits by incarcerating people. And they all tend to fail to live up to the same standards as government-run facilities. I hate them all.

  3. If Rick Perry likes the CCA, that is good enough for me. He is going to be your next president, and who cares about prisoners anyway? I sure don't! Let them do their time in a cage at the zoo for all I care.

  4. oh so I see you're as devoid of sympathy as much as you are of shame. considering there are approximately 2.5 million people locked up in this country, far and away the most in the entire world, and that most of them have family and friends, I'd venture a guess that the number is higher than you think.

    They may be prisoners, but they're still human beings.

  5. How human are the ones who rape and molest children, or even the ones who have no regard for life and commit murder and feel just as much remorse as spitting gum out the driver side window as you drive down the highway.

  6. lmao in texas12 October, 2011

    How ignorant can you be @ anonymous??? Not all prisioners are muderers and childmolesters get a grip man!! When posting how about u apply some common sense or better yet factoral knowledge would be nice!! Mark Twain said it best ... Id rather look like a fool than open my mouth and remove all doubt ... Well my freind undoubtedly you topped the cake today .... Heres your sign

  7. The inmates are not the ones that are mistreated cca they are given everything great medical care Xboxes TVs the officers are the ones are mistreated they're made to work 20 22 hour shift a day with no brakes if you call out sick make you feel bad about it you know you're really really sick will make you come in on your day off and work another 22 hour shift they just don't care about their officers at all
