
Thursday, August 11, 2011

A Dose of His Own Medicine

Remember Mark Ciavarella, the judge from Pennsylvania who received millions of dollars in bribes from a private prison operator to sentence undeserving children to that private prison?  His conviction resulted in the dismissal of over 4,000 convictions of juveniles, as the court saw the obvious corruption and conflict of interest in his decisions.

Well thankfully that slimy piece of shit just got 28 years in prison.

1 comment:

  1. This is the extend of corruption and nepotsim plaguing the private prison sector before Reagan gave it new life in 1983. Why would anyone believe there would not be corruption, kickbacks, palm greasing, and shortcuts in order to maximize profits after private prisons were again given the go ahead? What people need to understand, private prisons do not save the state money, because the shortcuts, unqualified staffing, and failure to fullfill contract agreements in programming, medical, and education mean added time and money spent by the state, especially when something major takes place such as major riots, escapes, assaults, misconduct by staff. The lawsuits by employees, and inmates to the extent they are, should give state and federal officials redflags in regards to the opertion of private prisons. Officials in the private prison business know just what politicans, legislators, judges, and state representatives want to hear in order to convince influencial parties the need to build more prisons. These insiders working for the private sector are armed with plenty of cash with the promise of jobs and economic growth. What ends up happening especially in the rural towns the private prisons are built in is economic disaster. Many unqualified staff are hired and security violations as well attention to detail are passed over in favor of profits. Employees may have a job for now but at what cost because the pay rate is based on what other business pay their employees, not what the profession demands. There is no pension plan, and only the upper administrative staff actually make a decent wage. The private prison fills beds and it has nothing to do with classification because they have a reputation of boarding some very disruptive inmates as well as those with gang affiliations, staff and officers maybe unaware of. Arizona was a perfect example as 2 murders doing life as well as one for assault escaped a minmium security facility, and murdered an elderly couple while setting fire to their place then stealing their vehicle. These murderers simply walked right out of the prison they should have never beed housed in. Again profits in favor of secuirty, and this is one of many incidents that have occured at private prisons. If you need more information email me at my name is Joe. I worked the private sector for 8yrs,and county corrections for 13yrs, worked the road as a reserve deputy for 7yrs and have a total of 21yrs experience in the field, with nearly 8yrs as a supervisor.
